
Course Information

Under Car Diagnosis (AT 101)

Term: 2019-2020 Fall


Ethan J Burk
E-mail address is hidden, click here to e-mail

Office Hours:

Tuesday 9:30am - 12:00pm

Thursday 9:30am - 12:00pm


Tue-Thu, 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM (8/19/2019 - 12/13/2019) Location: MAIN L 109


Select below for statements regarding:

ADA/504 Accommodations
Pregnancy Modifications
Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
Notice of Nondiscrimination

The theory of construction, operation, and repair of automotive brakes, steering, and suspenmsion systems will be covered in ths course. Vehicle alignment theory will also be taught during this course. COREQUISITE: AT105.