
Course Information

Architectural Drafting II (CAD 237)

Term: 2016-2017 Fall


Todd Anderson


Office Hours

  • When: M,T,Th,F 10:45-12:00
  • Where: L214 or via Teams
  • How: Drop in's welcome, appointments encouraged!


Tue-Thu, 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM (8/22/2016 - 12/16/2016) Location: MAIN L 204


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ADA/504 Accommodations
Pregnancy Modifications
Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
Notice of Nondiscrimination

This course continues exploration into the concepts of architectural drafting and design. Students will become more proficient in designing and completing architectural drawings with increased independence from the instructor. Advanced techniques are introduced which make use of the student’s growing skill with CAD software. PREREQUISITE: CAD 111.