
Course Information

Construction Materials Sampling & Testing (EET 235)

Term: 2018-2019 Spring


Christopher Leibrock
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Earl A Severn
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Mon-Wed, 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM (1/7/2019 - 5/10/2019) Location: MAIN L 126
Fri, 1:00 PM - 2:40 PM (1/7/2019 - 5/10/2019) Location: MAIN L 126


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This course will cover the materials, proportioning, mixing, placing, finishing, curing, sampling, and laboratory/field testing techniques commonly used for Portland Cement Concrete. It will cover the testing and properties of asphalt cement and asphalt concrete. The course also will cover gradation, moisture control, and density of gravels. Students will evaluate the capacity of cement and concrete to withstand stress and strain. This course will prepare students for the certification exam from the American Concrete Institute.