Paramedic Special Operations II (FFP 215)
Term: 2016-2017 Summer
Phone # 605 718-2549
Student Office Hours M-W-F 8-10 AM
or by appointment in EMS Office or
for a virtual office visit
Wed, 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM (5/30/2017 - 8/11/2017) Location: MAIN W 157 Wed, 1:00 PM - 7:45 PM (5/30/2017 - 8/11/2017) Location: MAIN W 157
This course consists of pre-hospital trauma life support, geriatrics, abuse, assault, patients with special challenges, acute interventions in chronic care, assessment-based management, emergency vehicle operations, ambulance operations, and NREMT skill practice. PREREQUISITES: CURRENT CPR CARD FFP 110, FFP115, and FFP 120. GRADE REQUIREMENT: A MINIMUM GRADE OF ?C? MUST BE EARNED IN THIS COURSE TO BE ELIGIBLE TO GRADUATE FROM THE PARAMEDIC PROGRAM AND TO PROGRESS TO COURSES THAT REQUIRE THIS COURSE AS A PREREQUISITE.