
Course Information

Firearms Training (LET 251)

Term: 2013-2014 Spring


Thu, 8:00 AM - 3:40 PM (1/13/2014 - 5/16/2014) Location: OFFST OFF OFF


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ADA/504 Accommodations
Pregnancy Modifications
Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
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This course will provide the student with knowledge, skills, and tactics to properly maintain, safely handle, and effectively employ a handgun. Students will learn the four basic rules of firearms safety, shooting fundamentals, nomenclature of a pistol, revolver, and ammunition, range safety rules, how to properly load and unload their firearm, how to clean and maintain their firearms, how to clear malfunctions, and how to make legal decisions on the use of the firearm. NOTE: No person who has been convicted of a felony under SDCL chapter 22-42 or of a felony for a crime with the same elements in another state may possess o