
Course Information

Technical Mathematics (MATH 104)

Term: 2012-2013 Spring


James Loverich

Architectural and Engineering Technology Program Co-Director

Student Hours (Spring  2025)

  • Monday: 8:30am-12:00pm
  • Thursday: 8:30am-10:00am
  • Location: AE Office L214 or L208
  • Walk-ins welcome anytime the door is open!


Mon-Wed-Fri, 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM (1/14/2013 - 5/17/2013) Location: MAIN WAN 209


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ADA/504 Accommodations
Pregnancy Modifications
Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
Notice of Nondiscrimination

This course includes real numbers and variable expressions, first-degree equations, polynomials, factoring, rational expressions, rational exponents and radicals, geometry, quadratic equations, and trigonometry. This course is designed for students who are preparing for technical careers. It stresses a working knowledge of applied mathematical concepts. The practice problems are applications from various technical fields but do not require prior knowledge of the technical applications. Problems are selected to help develop an understanding of where and how mathematics is used in the various fields of employment. PREREQUISITE