
Course Information

Advanced Skills Lab (NRS 200)

Term: 2019-2020 Spring


Tracy Elizabeth Wyman
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Available Hours:

Wednesdays 1400-1700


Fri, 1:00 PM - 2:40 PM (1/13/2020 - 5/15/2020) Location: MAIN W 134B


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This lab course focuses on nursing skills that emphasize care of patients with disease/disorders that include the following systems: nervous, respiratory, sensory, circulatory, urinary, gastrointestinal, endocrine, musculoskeletal, integumentary, and hematological. The lab will incorporate additional skills related to pharmacology and nutrition. PREREQUISITES: CURRENT CNA CERTIFICATION or A ā€œCā€ OR BETTER IN HC 124 AND HC 126, COMPLETION OF ALL GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES, and NRS 100, NRS 105, NRS 110, and NRS 115. CLINICAL CO-REQUISITE: NRS 205. GRADE REQUIREMENT: A MINIMUM GRADE OF ā€œCā€ MUST BE EARNED IN THIS COURSE TO BE E