
Course Information

Advanced Nursing Practice III (NRS 215)

Term: 2022-2023 Fall


Jennifer Bonner
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Thu, 10:00 AM - 11:50 AM (8/22/2022 - 12/16/2022) Location: MAIN W 154


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ADA/504 Accommodations
Pregnancy Modifications
Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
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This course emphasizes the physiological, psychosocial, cultural, and developmental needs of the maternal and child clients. This course will introduce the student to family-centered care, wellness, health promotion, illness prevention, and the growth and development of the child from conception to adolescence. PREREQUISITES: CURRENT CNA CERTIFICATION or A ā€œCā€ OR BETTER IN HC 124 AND HC 126, COMPLETION OF ALL GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES, and COMPLETION OF NRS 100, NRS 105, NRS 110, and NRS 115. CO-REQUISITES: NRS 200, NRS 205, and NRS 210. GRADE REQUIREMENT: A MINIMUM GRADE OF ā€œCā€ MUST BE EARNED IN THIS COURSE TO BE ELIGIBLE T