
Course Information

Transition to Practical Nursing (NRS 240)

Term: 2022-2023 Fall


Devin Constant
E-mail address is hidden, click here to e-mail

Licensed Practical Nursing Instructor/Coordinator

Office Hours:

Tuesday 9:00AM - 12:00PM

Thursday 1:00PM - 3:00PM


Thu, 1:00 PM - 2:50 PM (8/22/2022 - 12/16/2022) Location: MAIN W 154


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ADA/504 Accommodations
Pregnancy Modifications
Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
Notice of Nondiscrimination

This course will provide students with opportunities to gain knowledge and skills neccessary to transition from student to practicing nurse. This course will focus on the scope of practice for LPN's, legal and ethical basis of nursing practice, nursing history, and trends in nursing and healthcare delivery. This course provides both a comprehensive content review and test taking strategies for students preparing to graduate from the LPN Program and take the NCLEX-PN Exam. PREREQUISITES: CURRENT CNA CERTIFICATION OR A "C" OR BETTER IN HC124 AND HC126, COMPLETION OF ALL GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES, NRS101, NRS105, NRS110, NRS115