
Course Information

Pharmacology in Nursing (NSG 205)

Term: 2012-2013 Fall


Suzanne Brandt
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Ms. Jani C Lerback
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Mon-Tue-Thu, 12:30 PM - 2:45 PM (8/27/2012 - 12/21/2012) Location: MAIN WAN 103


This course is designed to present material on the administration of medications in a safe and responsible way. Information on medications is presented according to body systems. The nursing process is incorporated into drug information; drugs are discussed according to their classification, side effects, and nursing implications for administration. Dosage calculations are covered. PREREQUISITES: ACCEPTANCE INTO PROGRAM, CHEM106 CHEMISTRY SURVEY, CHEM106L CHEMISTRY SURVEY LAB, HC213 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY I, MATH101 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA, and PHGY220 HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY I WITH LAB.