
Course Information

Law of Business Organizations (PLL 215)

Term: 2014-2015 Spring


Karie Ann Kennedy
E-mail address is hidden, click here to e-mail

Team Leader - General Education 

Behavioral Science Program Director

Psychology/Sociology Instructor

Student Hours: 

Tuesdays 11-12 in classroom W254

Wednesdays 1-2 in my office

Thursdays 11-12 in my office 

Fridays 11-12 & 1-2 in my office 

and by appointment


Mon-Wed, 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM (1/12/2015 - 5/15/2015) Location: MAIN WAN 205


This course introduces the student to the basic concepts, terminology, and doctrines involved in business law. The student is instructed in the procedures necessary for the formation of sole proprietorships, limited and general partnerships, and corporations and is introduced to the essential case opinions in business and corporate litigation.