
Course Information

Law Office Procedure (PLL 220)

Term: 2014-2015 Spring


Karie Ann Kennedy
E-mail address is hidden, click here to e-mail

Team Leader - General Education 

Behavioral Science Program Director

Psychology/Sociology Instructor

Student Hours: 

Tuesdays 11-12 in classroom W254

Wednesdays 1-2 in my office

Thursdays 11-12 in my office 

Fridays 11-12 & 1-2 in my office 

and by appointment


Fri, 8:15 AM - 9:55 AM (1/12/2015 - 5/15/2015) Location: MAIN WAN 205


This course familiarizes students with practical inner workings of a law office. Topics include office organization, legal terminology, fees and billing procedures, scheduling and calendaring, preparation and maintenance of case files, preparation of law office forms, and an introduction to a variety of legal-specific software applications.