Gas Tungsten Arc Welding and Cutting Procedures (WDM 120)
Term: 2012-2013 Fall
Program Director - Welding and Fabrication & Team Leader
Tue, 1:00 PM - 6:50 PM (8/27/2012 - 12/21/2012) Location: MAIN RUSH 104
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding and Cutting Procedures safety, welding theory, setup and skills training in the welding operations of this process. Students will fusion weld and weld adding filler metal on metal coupons in position. In addition to GTAW welding, students will learn the fundamentals of OFW/C (Oxy Fuel welding/Cutting), CAC (Carbon Arc Cutting), and PAC (Plasma Arc Cutting).Click to read the master syllabi for all courses.